Internship (Kerja Praktek) at PT Dirgantara Indonesia

For the students of the college and vocational school, they will not be extraneous with an internship. At least they have heard "internship" even though once. The point of an internship is ordering us to know how the real work sphere is and how we apply our knowledge that has been learned at university into the real work sphere. Ok, on this post I'll tell you about my internship experience at Indonesian Aerospace aka PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

The end of 5th semester, panic term for the internship, all must be talk about internship, "Btw where will you get the internship? blah blah blah...", till I was infected by panic too. At the beginning, I tried to send the internship proposal to PT Badak NGL, but no answer. Subsequently, at the middle of 6th semester, together with my best friends, Bondan and Septi, We tried to send the proposal to PT Dirgantara Indonesia. As the result, we were accepted. It was because we called Ibu Illa by phone continuously without stopping. Btw, Ibu Illa is HRD of PT Dirgantara, she always deals the internship recruitment. If you want to do the internship there, don't forget to contact Ibu illa and send your proposal here :

PT DIRGANTARA INDONESIA (Indonesian Aerospace - IAe)
Jl. Pajajaran no. 154 Bandung 40174, Indonesia

After the proposal was sent, contact Ibu Illa by mail ( or phone (022-6054224).

First-day Internship, we had to make ID card and choose an internship mentor. Oddity suddenly happened, we are from electrical engineering (Telecommunication) but placed at aircraft parts production that identic to mechanical, metallurgical and chemical engineering. Yet after complained, we were transferred to IT Network division at IT center building that more appropriate with computer telecommunication. Though in fact I'd rather had taken up about radar and other plane's communication devices.

And finally, we found our internship mentor. He is still young, handsome and cool. His name is Ricky Lesmana. After a long conversation between us, we broke off to discuss fiber optic network as our internship topic at PT Dirgantara Indonesia. On the first day, he directly gave us some material and information about PT Dirgantara Indonesia. There was something delightful, he said that PT Dirgantara's employees were being regenerated, a number of them would pension, automatically PT Dirgantara would need more new employees. Hahaha who know maybe I can work there after graduate, Ameen.

Photoshoot with Mr. Ricky

My days during the internship were filled by doing some tasks that were given by Mr. Ricky. Those were designing network topology, measuring cables' length, counting the number of switches, mapping out the sketch of fix wing and rotary wing building, subnetting IP address and much more. Our point there was for learning about LAN network. Since we consist of three members, the material topics were shared into three parts, luckily my topic was on the network topology with fiber optic. More clearly, look at the pictures bellow :

Selfie during the internship

As the result of my struggle, 2 months at PT Dirgantara indonesia, had been finished the internship report "Fiber Optik pada Jaringan Backbone Topologi Star di PT Dirgantara dalam Arsitektur FTTB (Fiber To The Building)". Here is my internship presentation slide.


  1. wuih....narsis bersama N250!! TOP bro....

  2. Anak smk pasti pernah praketk kerja lapangan.

  3. Oh kamu cowok toh? Dari namanya, saya kira cewek... Hahaha... Maafkan, Bung... :P

    Semangat yah magangnya...


  4. mantap niy teknokrat masa depan Indonesia
    semangat yaaa

  5. Seingatku dulu aku pertama kali mampir kesini tuh dirimu masih cari tempat kuliah... sekarang sudah prakerin dan PKL magang. :)

    1. iya mbak, itu kan dulu banget. ternyata kita ngeblog udah lama banget ya mbak. kalau tidak salah waktu itu shasha juga masih kecil banget.

  6. Semoga sukses tak ada halangan suatu apa, salam kenal kembali

  7. ah pasti itu jadi pengalam berharga. Banyak banget gunanya nanti buat masa depan dan kerja :)
    good luck ya (y)

  8. boleh tanya sesuatu tentang pkl di dirgantara ?

    1. kalau pkl buat SMK/SMA saya kurang tau, soalnya saya disana kerja praktek kuliah. mungkin prosedur pkl sama seperti kerja praktek. tapi kalo ada yg mau ditanyain, boleh kok.

  9. boleh tanya sesuatu tentang pkl di dirgantara ?

  10. Wah, pilihan magang yang mengesankan.

  11. kaka ma nanya, kalo perempuan aneh g sih buat kp dsini? susah ga ya ka?

  12. kang bisa minta emailnya saya juga kebetulan dari teknik elektro ada keinginan buat magang disana minta info2nya kalau boleh . terima kasih

  13. kalo KP di DI dapet fasilitas mess ga? soalnya aku pengen KP kesana tapi aku asalnya dari surabaya hehe
    kalo ga dapet fasilitas mess. kira" daerah sekitar situ ada kos"an ga ya?

  14. Bro nomor telepon bu illa kok gak aktif yah?

  15. dulu waktu saya smk , kebetulan tkj jurusannya . temen saya kebagian pkl di dirgantara katanya seru ..

  16. Postingan lama yak ini? No update?

  17. Hallo ka postingan yang bagus ttg internship di ptdi, ka boleh minta kontak yang bisa dihubungin buat magang kebetulan ada rencana internship disanaaa :D
